Monday, June 01, 2009

Detecting and Analysing Patterns in Supply Chain Behavior

Full Citation
Rabelo, L., Helal, M., Dawson, J., Moraga, R. 2006. Detecting and analyzing patterns in supply chain behavior. International journal of simulation and process modeling, (2)3/4: 198-209

Using outputs of a supply chain system dynamics model, neural networks’ patternrecognition capabilities and eigen value analysis are utilised to detect and analyse behavioural changes in the supply chain and predict their impact in the short- and long-term horizons on performances. Neural networks are used to detect changes in the supply chain behaviour at a very early stage of their occurrence so that an enterprise would have enough time to respond and
counteract any unwanted situations. Then, the principles of stability and controllability are used to apply and make modifications to the information and material flows to avoid undesirable behaviours.
Keywords: supply chain modelling; supply chain management; SCM; system dynamics; SD;
neural networks; NNs; eigen value analysis

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