Monday, June 01, 2009

Spreadsheet model approaches for university class schedules

Full Citation
Helal, M., Armacost, R., Adams, D. 2005. Spreadsheet model approaches for university class schedules. Southern Association of Intuitional Research Conference; SAIR, Oct 22-25, Charleston, SC.

Responding to pressures to have students graduate in four years, a large university has instituted a Graduate On Track program that guarantees a seat in all classes needed to graduate in the four-year period. The technical challenge is to construct a feasible class schedule that identifies which sections of which courses need seats to be reserved. This presentation describes an Excel spreadsheet-based methodology used to generate such schedules for each major. The methodology involves identifying feasible solutions to an embedded optimization problem using the Solver add-in in Excel. The presentation also identifies the technical and operational implementation challenges.

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